25 November 2010

Studio Output

Rob Coke - Creative Director

Interesting talk by Rob from Studio Output this afternoon. This is the world I am from and so it all made perfect sense to me. It also helped me realise I am glad I am away from it now. A lot of work and little to show for it was always my impression of working in a design agency and this came through from the way Rob described some of the pitches and campaigns he has overseen.

The Lectern awaits its speaker

The team get Rob wired for action

Here are the brief notes I made:

Whoops didn't realise how bright the screen would be - but look closely in the shadows

I am enjoying the guest lectures. They are providing a much wider and varied group of people this year. Last year seemed mostly to be photographers - which was no bad thing. It is interesting to hear from people that work in other areas of the creative world - helps give you a more grounded view of the world that will be awaiting us when we have finished this course.

Year 2 students are so excited that Sarah attempts to eat her pen ...

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