07 November 2010


Working on creating tickets for the Overton Family Party. Nothing fancy is required but the creative person in me cannot just type words onto a piece of paper! 

For those of you that know me you all know that I am attempting to create a book of family photographs, old and new, collected from all 13 of my aunts and uncles.

The book will be a huge undertaking and is quite daunting. Not only am I collecting the photographs but also the memories stirred by those photographs. When you then get 13 brothers and sisters together they will all remember the event or photograph differently. I will be dealing with huge expectations and family feuds. But hopefully everyone will like to see all these photographs finally all together and in one place.

I will post the odd page layout here as I create the book. I will create the final product using Blurb. 

The first proof stage, and first time it will make an appearance, will be at the family party. I will be able to gauge interest and take orders for the final book. I will also let people make amends and corrections to the information.

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