That was the most enjoyable trip to London I have ever experienced. Went to Free Range to top up my business cards and left some postcards. Everything still looking good and there were quite a few people looking at my work - even on a quiet Saturday lunchtime.
My work getting photographed |
Went into the Whitechapel Gallery to see the Paul Graham exhibition. My favourite image of his was 'Sunny Cup'. Took a sneaky pic of it.
Paul Graham - Sunny Cup |
I was also fascinated by the UK Government Art in gallery 7. Very interesting - it all belongs to us so it was nice to get to see it. What was fascinating was seeing who had chosen which pieces of art. Seemed the Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service loved abstract art. Go Sir John man after my own heart. I loved one of his choices - Jim Lambie's 'The Doors (LA Woman)' 2005.
Jim Lambie - The Doors (LA Woman) 2005 |
Found it very inspiring and am developing an idea involving huge prints and rephotographing them. Will tell more as the ideas progresses in my head.
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