05 June 2011

iPad Eye Injury

Here it is the black eye caused by my iPad.

Right eye - ouch

OK - so an explanation is required. I have all my Ian Rankin books on my iPad in my iLibrary and love to read when I get into bed. Without my lenses I am extremely short-sighted so need the iPad to be quite close to my face. I therefore balance the iPad on my chest and as I breathe it rocks back and forth. Just occasionally it rocks too far forward. So far it had landed on my nose three times and my eye twice. Last week it caught me just right and the result is the black eye. My current inability to sleep for more than 3 hours along with the black eye make me look like I am suffering domestic abuse, but it's just technology and human frailty. There will be an end to this and it will come soon otherwise exhaustion will take over.

Right eye a week later

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