07 November 2010

Media - Editorial

Assignment to find out what we know about editorial. I am a little confused with this assignment as I am not sure whether to focus on the words or on the photographs or the relationship between the two. Or whether I should be talking about the design of a page and how photographs and text are best placed and why.

Once again I am doing some work that fits in with this and so I have worked on that rather than doing some separate for this. I have discussed with tutors about whether to use actual work for assignments and they said that if I could shoehorn it into the broad parameters set for assignments then that would be fine.

I examined images for the three broad areas set - fashion, documentary and tabloid. Most of the images I found for this were torn from newspapers and magazines and stuck into my research book - so I do not have many to show electronically. However my favourite fashion image with text is this:


I strive to be more loose and messy with my style. I know this goes totally against the grain and is something I find very difficult. But it does not stop me admiring any work I see that has got to that level.

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