07 November 2010

Essay - Faking It

I have to write an academically rigorous essay critically evaluating the impact of photographic manipulation on our daily lives.

I am looking forward to this - this is what I want - to do research, to immerse myself into the subject, to be a student.

I went onto the Staffs Uni website and into the Library section to look for journals and research papers to support my work. However after pressing many buttons and noticing I had about 7 screens open on my computer desktop I found I was nowhere closer to being able to view a journal or research paper.

Not sure that I have done anything wrong - just wonder if I went about it in the wrong way. I will ask a tutor for advice. If I do not get to the bottom of this I will  just use the library. But I do not want to miss the opportunity to explore the huge pool of information that I know must be there.

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