13 August 2011

Weddings? The start of a beautiful relationship

OK now this is weird. After saying all along that I don't do weddings... ... Yes you've guessed it... ... I have been asked if I will photograph one.

Why then, I can hear you asking, are you blogging about this? Well I was asked in such a way that I couldn't decline. This means I have to do it. And I would never let anyone down and, in particular, this very persuasive person.

In a way this is fabulous. Pushing me into areas I have not yet ventured. I have plenty of time, as it is happening next year, to research, plan, prepare and practice.

My first step is to prepare a list of possible requirements the happy couple might like photographing and how much of their day they require capturing. Once they have completed the check list I can provide them with a quote for my services. I am giving myself a week to come up with the list.

This might even become a whole new area of interest for me. Many of my networking friends are involved in various parts of the wedding industry so it might be nice to jump in with them. I am already planning an engagement shoot with a wedding planner for a local magazine so perhaps this is the sensible extension of that.

I am actually very excited by all this.

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